Can you tell me how to get to a Beaches Resort on Sesame Beach?

Written by William Lezubski

Continued from page 1

If you're a kid at heart, but want to get away from it all! Don't worry, because Beaches Resorts provide adults a wide variety of things to do from scuba diving, sailing, snorkeling, andrepparttar option to just relax onrepparttar 140316 beach enjoyingrepparttar 140317 soft powdery Caribbean sand. Later stop by one of their exciting bars and have a premium brand beverage to cool off.

Your kids will have a vacation they can call their own, and will have a blast playing XBOX® inrepparttar 140318 resorts Game Oasis Center, visit cute animals at a petting zoo, splash away at their very own water park, and if their energy level is still on overdrive, your kids can go and play a round of golf!

Whenrepparttar 140319 sun starts to fade, this is whenrepparttar 140320 fun begins! As a family, you will spend quality time together dining at one of Beaches world class restaurants with international cuisine, and listen to allrepparttar 140321 adventures your children experienced that day!

About the author: William Lezubski (Accredited Cruise Counsellor (ACC), and Certified Travel Counsellor(CTC) - William is a professional in the Travel Industry and the author of “Discount Caribbean Vacations Web Site” available at

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Written by Steven N. Ng

Continued from page 1

On top of this was a circular tower that housedrepparttar fire (for use to alert ships duringrepparttar 140295 night) andrepparttar 140296 great mirror (for use duringrepparttar 140297 day). A statue of Poseidon stood on top this tower.

The Pharos Lighthouse was a true wonder in architecture and engineering, bearing similarities to modern skyscrapers. It measured up to a modern 40-story building. The Greeks were so impressed with it that they included it as one ofrepparttar 140298 Seven Wonders ofrepparttar 140299 Ancient World.

The mirror ofrepparttar 140300 Pharos Lighthouse appeared to be quite famous in ancient times. Many people believed thatrepparttar 140301 mirror was so smooth and powerful that it could be used to reflectrepparttar 140302 sun's rays onto invading ships and burn them. Another belief was thatrepparttar 140303 mirror was so strong it could be used to observe and spy on competing city-states acrossrepparttar 140304 Mediterranean Sea, more than 100 miles away. However, it is highly unlikely that either of these stories are true.

From historical evidence, it appears thatrepparttar 140305 Pharos Lighthouse was also a tourist attraction. Hundreds of visitors climbedrepparttar 140306 Lighthouse everyday to enjoyrepparttar 140307 fantastic view around Alexandria. Food vendors also sold their goods atrepparttar 140308 top of each section ofrepparttar 140309 Pharos.

However,repparttar 140310 Pharos Lighthouse was damaged by earthquakes, becoming totally demolished inrepparttar 140311 early 14th century. Its ruins and location were subsequently used byrepparttar 140312 Egyptian Sultan Qaitbay to build a fort in 1480, thus endingrepparttar 140313 story for this Wonder ofrepparttar 140314 World.

For more information onrepparttar 140315 Lighthouse of Alexandria, visit

Steven maintains the informational website Wonders of Ancient Egypt at . Do visit if you want to find out more about the wonders of Egypt such as the Pyramids and the Lighthouse; or mysteries such as mummifcation and conspiracy theories; or its religion and history.

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